miércoles, 16 de abril de 2014

Cell phone, my favourite piece of technology

Nowadays everyone has a cell phone and is not weird to see kids talking and playing with them.
When I was a kid cell phones were just for adults. I had my first one at fourteen years old, but then the television was my favourite piece of technology.
After a year, I traveled to Europe and my father gave me a new cell phone to keep talking despite the distance. I learnt how fabulous was being in contact every time, sending mails and messages.
Now I have the same cell phone but I love it more, because I can use "Whatsapp" keeping a free contact with all my friends and family.
I love talking with my friends any time so I think, I can´t change my habit. My life without my cell phone would be very boring.
Also, I have to say that I am not obsessed with my cell phone, so I could live without it.
I just wish that everybody could use their favourite piece of technology with responsibility.

4 comentarios:

  1. I'm agree with you!, when we where younger cellphones where just for the adults, and now every kid has one... Technology, I don't understand you ajaja.

  2. awwww!! that cellphone pic is so cute! let me tell you that i like your url

  3. In this moment i hate my cellphone, I Have a Lumia. I miss my android cellphone :C

  4. My cellphone also is my favourite piece of technology :)
